| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better
Back to School Problems: How Kids Can Combat Allergies in School
Nasal Sinus Irrigation System – Sinus Relief Without the Use of Drugs
We all know sinus infections can make you miserable. Pressure, pain, drainage and difficulty breathing are just some of the symptoms. But can sinus infections cause other problems? Can you get relief without drugs?
Signs of Cannabis Allergy and its Natural Treatments
What Does Pore Size Mean in Allergy Proof Bedding?
If you are diagnosed with dust mite allergies, the doctor will tell you to encase your bed in special dust mite proof covers. We field lots of calls from people that want to know about pore sizes, microfibers, and laminated or coated allergy-proof bedding.
What are Bed Mites?
Breast Cancer and Parabens Could be Connected
A study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology reports strong evidence for the connection between breast cancer and parabens. In a nutshell, researchers in England studied the tissue removed as part of mastectomies and in 99% of the cases, the tissue contained parabens.
Can Allergies Cause Chest Pains?
Did you have pain in the chest this past Valentine’s Day? That feeling might not be a broken heart. Chest pain can be a symptom of allergies and allergy-related conditions. Pain in the center of the chest that feels like squeezing along with pain in the arms, back, neck, or jaw can be a heart attack. That’s when you need to call 911.
What Does Hypoallergenic Really Mean?
Find Summer Camps Friendly to Food Allergies
Don’t let your kid’s food allergies keep them from the summer camp experience. Summer camp is a great way for kids to socialize, get exercise, learn new skills, make new friends and grow.
Can You Be Allergic to Your Car?
How often have you gotten in your car to go to work, school or shopping and by the time you arrive you have sinus problems, drippy nose, or a headache? Is it possible you could be allergic to your car?
Can Sunscreen Cause Skin Tumors or Allergies?
Say it ain’t so! People slather sunscreen on to protect themselves from the damaging effects of the sun. But could it be that bad sunscreen causes skin tumors? Can they cause allergic reactions?