| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better
What are the Best Cat Breeds for People with Pet Allergies
Fall Bedding…Time to Get Your Bed Ready for Snuggle Season
Fall is in full force now. It’s a great time to start thinking about changing out your summer bedding. Even if you don’t live in an area with significant changes in temperature, it is still a good time to freshen up your bedding.
Winter Bedding Primer - The Art of Staying Warm
Staying warm on a cold winter night is tough. When it comes to winter bedding, blankets and comforters, the options can be bewildering. Here’s your primer on winter bedding materials including silk, wool, down and down alternative.
Why do I Sneeze So Much?
We’ve all had it happen. Whether you have allergies or not, you have had one of those sneezing attacks. They can be brought on my exposure to dust mites, pollens, molds, bits of animal fur or skin, black pepper, bacteria, viruses, or a whole host of other irritants.
What is Healthy Sleep?
We spend one-third of our life asleep. Everybody wants a good night’s rest. Everybody wants to sleep healthy. We all agree on that. But what is “healthy sleep”?
How Much Does Allergy Testing Cost?
How to Travel with Allergies
Traveling with allergies does not have to be a pain. Tips to make your travels allergy-free. Don’t let memories or meetings be tainted by frustrating allergic reactions and trips to the drug store.
How to Fight Fall Allergies
Bed Bugs – A Problem No Host Wants to Face
It’s the nightmare no host wants to face. Bed bugs! You can screen your guests but you can’t screen out bed bugs.
Ultimate Guide: Can Mattress Protectors be Safely Dried in the Dryer? Find out Now!
Allergies and Your Mattress
Over the Counter Allergy Medication Information
More and more formulas for allergy control are available without a prescription. Gone are the days when you could use any antihistamine you liked as long as it was Benadryl®.