| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better
Holiday Seasons Equals Travel | For Allergy Sufferers it Can be a Miserable Time
It is holiday season and time to visit family and friends which means for many, long trips in the car. For those of us who don’t suffer from allergies, it is not too big of a deal. We just get in the car and go.
Get Ready For Holiday Guests With Allergies
How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?
Best Air Cleaner for Pets
If you have pets you know that along with love and snuggles they bring fur, dust, and can cause sniffles and sneezing. Of all the devices made, here are the ones we think are the best air cleaner for pets.
Are Allergies Hurting Your Love Life?
How to Treat Your Allergy Symptoms Part 1
For those of us that have allergies there are several options we have to help us deal with them. Today we are going to talk about how to treat your allergy symptoms with conventional treatments.
Exercising at Home with Allergies
Are Allergies Hereditary?
Formaldehyde in Beauty Cream?
Got dry, flaky or even cracked skin? So, we reach for creams and lotions to ease the stiffness and redness and add some moisture. But exactly what are you rubbing on your skin.
Over 60 and Having a Hard Time Breathing
They say 60 is the new 40’s. Ok, so why do many people over the age of 60 have a harder time catching their breath. One thought is they may have undiagnosed asthma.